Flare Gas and Carbon Border Monitoring Platform for the Oil & Gas Industry Regulators

ISO 14064 - Carbon Border Accounting & Verification Platform


Nobody said that it was going to be easy !

The Paris Agreement is real. Governments around the World have signed a pledge to reduce/eliminate greenhouse emissions by 2030. Now is the time for the Oil & Gas Regulators to show their Report Cards.

Concern is growing across Africa about the implications of the European Union’s decision to proceed with the implementation of a Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM), as a way of preventing so-called ‘carbon leakage’ .

What is the CBAM surtax ?
The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a carbon tariff on carbon intensive products, such as cement and some electricity, imported by the European Union. Legislated as part of the European Green Deal, it takes effect in 2026, with reporting starting in 2023.

As the EU is preparing to impose a CBAM tariff on certain imported goods that are not environmental friendly, the Oil & Gas Regulators are challenged to put in place a Verifiable Carbon Declaration System.

The CBAM is a very controversial cross-border taxation mechanism, and many countries are getting ready to fight the Carbon tariffs announced by the European Union, the United States. Today, the Oil & Gas Regulators are challenged to produce accurate Gas Flaring Data and issue Verifiable Carbon Offset certificates.

In order to address the CBAM challenges, to avoid the upcoming Carbon Footprint Declaration disputes, to avoid the double taxation of the African Steel, Alumina, Oil & Gas exports, we have engineered a Decentralised Carbon Border Accounting platform for the Oil & Gas Regulatory Authorities, enabling the accurate calculation of Greenhouse emissions, for Carbon Offset Declaration, Reporting and Tax compliance purposes.

Our software aggregates data from inshore and offshore facilities in near real-time. We operate a highly secure network of IoT sensors, ultrasonic smart meters and satellite infrared imaging datafeeds.

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Flare Gas measuring technology FLOWSIC100

The introduction of the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) in the European Union (EU) will have a significant on businesses importing goods into the EU. The EU legislative process is currently being finalized and the CBAM transitional period will start from October 1st, 2023 .

  • Flow measurement technology is used in nearly all industries. The FLOWSIC100 Flare product family is designed for flare gas and steam flow measurements. The product family is characterized by a unique flow-optimized sensor design. This innovative design minimizes flow-generated noise and signal drift when gas velocities are particularly high. Modern signal processing and high-efficiency transducers enable high time resolution for signals and thus deliver accurate measurements, even at extremely low gas flow rates

  • 02 Flow measurement technology

    Seamless flow and integration of data including external and internal data sources, IoT sensors and other connected equipment, operational data, real-time worker status and equipment checks

  • Centralized data visualization with AI and ML analytics for improved and rapid decision-making, facilitating proactive corrective and preventive actions

  • ISO 14064 validation and verification provides third-party confirmation that you can deliver GHG removals or emission reductions against an agreed set of criteria; and that you have an appropriate management system to produce true, fair and reliable climate change data



Accurate oil and gas data changes everything. We provide Advanced and Proven Technology to the oil and gas Regulators. Using innovative solutions, high-quality data from VIIRS satellite feed and ultrasonic smart meters.

Flaring Data Capture

Reg-Oil is a mainstream regulatory compliance monitoring platform that set the standard in upstream, midstream and downstream oil and gas field data capture. It is used for data entry, standard industry measurement calculations and other data processing, as well as data verification and validation from all entry sources.

Carbon Border Accounting

Reg-Oil is a hydrocarbon accounting solution that has been addressing all of the complex allocation requirements for oil and gas companies operating globally, both onshore and offshore

Reporting and Analytics

Reg-Oil includes a reporting and analytics solution that enables regulatory authoritiess to accurately and independetly measure the volume of flare gas and greenhouse emissions, in near realtime, to visualize graph, visual infore images captured by satellite and analyze the level of compliance of every single oil field Reg-Oil includes powerful Reporting and Certification tools for Flare Gas Taxation and Carbon Credit Verification

Flaring & Green House Emissions Taxation

The World Bank has championed the policy recommendation on the Taxation of Flaring as an incentive to reduce flaring. The Global Gas Flaring Reduction (GGFR) is strongly advising governments around the world to include released methane in severance tax or royalty regimes in order to reduce waste, deter both greenhouse and air-quality emissions, and capture natural resource value for citizens

Call To Action

"Seeking a world free of routine gas flaring and venting"


"To realize our Mission, witch is to empower and equip the Oil & Gas Regulatory Authorities, in measuring flare gas, reducing greenhouse gas emissions we have assembled a Team of Achievers and Innovators ...

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer


Chief Legal Officer

Chief Legal Officer


Chief Technology Officer



Chief Financial Officer

Chie Financial Officer


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Independent Monitoring of FLare Gas Volume ?

    One source of information – a centralized network collects and aggregates massive amounts of data, breaks down silos of information

  • Sick AG, based in Waldkirch, Germany, is a global manufacturer of sensors and sensor solutions for industrial applications. The company is active in the areas of factory and logistics automation and process automation. The company employs around 10,344 employees worldwide and achieved sales of EUR 1,7 billion in 2020

  • The World Bank's Global Gas Flaring Reduction Partnership (GGFR) is a multi-donor trust fund composed of governments, oil companies, and multilateral organizations committed to ending routine gas flaring at oil production sites across the world

  • The Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) is a carbon crediting mechanism through which credits are issued to projects that reduce or remove greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

  • The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism is a carbon tariff on carbon intensive products, such as cement and some electricity, imported by the European Union. Legislated as part of the European Green Deal, it takes effect in 2026, with reporting starting in 2023.



178-02 Hillside Avenue, Suite 312, New York, NY 11432


+1 201 375 7071

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